One year and 2 days ago, I arrived in Italy and turned a new page in my life - looking back, its been quite a year! In 2007 I ....
moved to Italy
learned to speak Italian, abbastanza bene...
experienced a little culture shock
survived working at Il Bacco Felice with Salvatore, and probably enlarged my liver a little doing so...
turned the big 3-0
adopted 2 kittens, Lilla and 'Cinot
ook a month-long motorcycle trip, through the Balkans, and helped orphans in Montenegro learn how to cook (new years resolution: finish writing about that)
worked the Trampetti Olive Harvest , and learned that age truly is all in the mind
opened Basilikó Trattoria here in Foligno
to follow along visually, check out my Flickr photo site .
Buon Capodanno a Tutti !!!!
Originally posted December 2007